Allegheny County PA - County History & Biography Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.
History of Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania (L. H. Everts, 1876, 325 pages)
This publication is an early history of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. It covers the history of Allegheny County from its earliest settlement to the time of publication along with the history of Pittsburgh, Allegheny City, and each of the townships in the county. It includes many illustrations of residences and businesses, as well as a few of prominent citizens. This is an excellent resource for historical or genealogical research in the Allegheny County / Pittsburgh area.
Surnames Indexed:
Agnew, Avery, Black, Brackenridge, Brown, Childs, Coleman, Collier, Craig, Dale, Dilworth, Dravo, Eichbaum, Garrison, Hailman, Hampton, Hays, Hoeveler, Hussey, Jones, Kirkwood, Lewis, McClintock, Negley, Neville, Reed, Reid, Rippey, Rogers, Rook, Scaife, Schmertz, Severance, Sharp, Speer, Thomson, Thumm, Wampler, Woodwell
Allegheny County: Its Early History and Subsequent
Development (A. A. Lambing & J. W. F. White, 1888, 343 pages)
This publication was produced for the Centennial of Allegheny County, PA. The first part of the publication highlights the County's history from its earliest times until the present (1888). The second part details many of Allegheny County and Pittsburgh's successful business operations. It also includes a program of the events associated with the Centennial celebration, along with numerous ads for local businesses.
Businesses Detailed:
Logan, Gregg & Co., The Bank of Pittsburgh, Weyman & Brother, Will H. Watson, Dilworth Brothers, H. K. Porter & Co., L. H. Harris Drug Co., The Safety Deposit Company of Pittsburgh, Speer White Sand Company, Pennsylvania Manufacturing, Mining and Supply Co., J. R. Hutchinson, Morrison, Cass & Co., Empire Drill Co., Reineke, Wilson & Co., B. F. Rynd, Star Encaustic Tile Co., Limited, Ernst Axthelm, Phoenix Brick Works, Haworth & Dewhurst, Johnson, Eagye & Earl, J. & H. Phillips, James W. Houston & Co., William Haslage & Son, Demmler Bros., Edward Rice, The Western University of Pennsylvania, Geo. W. Biggs & Co., E. Histed, Oil Well Supply Company, Limited, James Hay, F. G. Reineman, F. J. Kress, Arbuckles & Co., Limited, A. G. Campbell & Sons, The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company, Nimick & Brittan Manufacturing Company, Dauler, Close & Johns, Hope Biscuit Works, Lutz Bros., Alfred E. Windsor & Co., Rawsthorne Bros., Bindley Hardware Co., Geo. K. Stevenson & Co., The Pittsburgh Leader, W. T. Brown & Brother, A. J. Logan & Co., Fairbanks & Co., The A. French Spring Co., Limited, Emil Loos, Pittsburgh Steel Casting Company, West Point Boiler Works, The Mutual Life Insurance Company, Curry University, F. & J. Heinz, J. McKain & Son, Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge, Architects, F. J. Albrecht, Evans, Cunningham & Jones, John Boyd's Livery, Boarding and Sales Stables, Thompson & Co., Republic Iron Works Limited, C. W. G. Ferris & Co., The Fischer Foundry & Machine Co., The National Tube Works Co., J. R. Reed & Co., The Bruch Electric Company, First National Bank, McKeesport, Boggs & Buhl, Fred. Sauer
History of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania (A. Warner & Co., 1889, 1426 pages)
This publication is a history of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, "Including its early settlement and progress to the present time; a description of its historic and interesting localities; its cities, towns and villages; religious, educational, social and military history; mining, manufacturing and commercial interests; improvements, resources, statistics, etc." It includes hundreds of biographies of its prominent men and families who helped this area develop and prosper.
Surnames Indexed:
Abbott, Abel, Aber, Ackard, Affolter, Aggers, Aikin, Albert, Alderson, Alexander, Algeo, Allebrand, Allen, Allison, Alter, Altmeyer, Ament, Anderson, Andrews, Angney, Anjer, Applegate, Armstrong, Arnold, Arthur, Aten, Atterbury, Atwell, Auld, Austen, Ayres, Bachman, Backhaus, Baeuerlein, Bailey, Bailie, Bailiff, Bair, Baker, Baldrige, Baldwin, Ballard, Balph, Bandi, Barclay, Barr, Barrett, Barton, Batchelor, Bauer, Bauman, Baumann, Bayard, Beadling, Bealafeld, Beale, Beatty, Beck, Becker, Beckert, Bedell, Beech, Beedle, Beierlein, Beilstein, Belfour, Bell, Bennett, Berg, Bergman, Berry, Bethune, Bevington, Beymer, Bibby, Biehl, Bigger, Bigham, Bigley, Birney, Bissell, Bissett, Black, Blackadore, Blackburn, Blakeley, Bligh, Boal, Bock, Boden, Boertzler, Boggs, Bohlander, Bohn, Boisol, Bole, Boli, Bonnhorst, Boobyer, Booth, Boss, Bossart, Bour, Bower, Bowers, Bowman, Boyce, Boyd, Brackenridge, Bradeen, Bragdon, Braithwait, Brankstone, Brauff, Braun, Breading, Breed, Brennan, Brethauer, Bretthalle, Brewster, Brickell, Bridges, Briggs, Bright, Brinker, Brooker, Brown, Brunner, Brunot, Brush, Bryan, Bryans, Bryant, Bryce, Bryson, Buch, Bughman, Bulford, Bullion, Burket, Burkhard, Burki, Burns, Burtner, Bushnell, Byers, Byrne, Cable, Cadman, Caldwell, Calhoun, Callahan, Calvert, Camp, Campbell, Carhart, Carlin, Carlson, Carmack, Carnahan, Carothers, Carpenter, Carr, Carroll, Carson, Cass, Catherwood, Caughey, Caves, Chadwick, Chalfant, Chambers, Chaplin, Chartier, Cheesman, Cheney, Chess, Childs, Christ, Christy, Church, Churchfield, Clark, Clarke, Clatty, Clement, Clements, Clendenen, Clendenning, Coates, Cochran, Coe, Coffin, Cole, Collier, Collingwood, Collins, Colvin, Conkle, Conlin, Conner, Connor, Converse, Cook, Cooke, Cooley, Cooper, Core, Cornelius, Couch, Coulter, Coursin, Courtney, Cowan, Cowden, Cox, Coyle, Craft, Craig, Craighead, Cramer, Cravens, Crawford, Creelman, Creighton, Cribbs, Crider, Cridge, Croghan, Crooks, Crouch, Crowe, Crowther, Cruikshank, Cubbage, Culbertson, Culp, Cunningham, Curran, Curry, Cuthbert, Cyphers, Dabbs, Dale, Dalimeyer, Dalzell, Danner, Davidson, Davis, Davison, Davitt, Dawson, Day, Dean, Deane, De Armit, Decker, Deeds, Deer, De Haven, De Long, Dempsey, Denny, Depp, Dersam, Devenny, Devlin, Dewalt, Dewees, Diamond, Dick, Dickey, Dickson, Dieterich, Dietrich, Dillig, Dillon, Dinsmore, Dollens, Donald, Donaldson, Donovan, Doolittle, Doran, Dougherty, Douglas, Douglass, Doyle, Dravo, Drennen, Duff, Duffner, Duffy, Dugan, Dumm, Duncan, Dunlap, Dunlevy, Dunn, Dunshee, Durning, Eagye, East, Eaton, Ecker, Ecoff, Edie, Edmundson, Edwards, Ehrenburg, Eichbaum, Elk, Elkin, Elliott, Elsesser, Elwood, Emrich, Emrick, England, English, Erbe, Erbeck, Erny, Errett, Erskine, Erwin, Esler, Espe, Espy, Eurich, Euwer, Evans, Ewalt, Ewing, Eyster, Fairfield, Fairley, Farley, Farmerie, Faulkner, Fawcett, Feilbach, Fell, Felloborn, Fenton, Ferguson, Ferree, Fey, Fields, Fife, Findlay, Finley, Finney, Fisher, Fitzsimons, Fix, Flagler, Fleck, Fleming, Flick, Floyd, Ford, Foreman, Fornof, Forrester, Forsaith, Fortune, Forward, Foster, Fowler, Fox, Francies, Franz, Frazier, Frederick, Frew, Fricke, Frost, Fry, Fryer, Fulton, Galbraith, Gallagher, Gamble, Gardner, Garrison, Gass, Gauf, Gayley, Gedekoh, Gensch, George, Gerwig, Getze, Gibb, Gibbons, Gibson, Giffin, Giles, Gilfillan, Gilkeson, Gillespie, Gilliland, Gilmore, Girdel, Girty, Gist, Gladden, Glass, Glenn, Glew, Glunt, Godfrey, Goeddel, Goff, Goldbach, Goldstrohm, Good, Goodwin, Gordon, Gore, Gormley, Gould, Gourhead, Gourley, Grabner, Grace, Graff, Graham, Grall, Graper, Grau, Gray, Greaves, Greenawalt, Greenoak, Greer, Grier, Grierson, Griffith, Griggs, Grimes, Groah, Gross, Grubbs, Guffey, Fuise, Gutbub, Guy, Guyton, Haas, Hager, Hague, Haley, Hall, Halstead, Hamilton, Hammitt, Hammond, Hampe, Hampton, Hankey, Hanley, Hanna, Harbaugh, Harbison, Hardie, Hardy, Hare, Harper, Harrison, Hartley, Hartman, Haslett, Hassinger, Hastings, Hatch, Hattman, Haudenshield, Hawkins, Hayden, Haymaker, Hays, Hazlett, Heakes, Healey, Heath, Hegerich, Heim, Heinz, Held, Hemphill, Henderson, Henger, Henning, Henry, Herbertson, Herbst, Herold, Herr, Herriott, Herron, Hershey, Herwig, Hess, Hetzel, Hezlep, Hickey, Hickman, Hieber, Higbee, Hill, Hindman, Hirning, Hitchcock, Hite, Hitzrot, Hodge, Hodgson, Hodil, Hodkinson, Hoeveler, Hoey, Hoffman, Hoffmann, Hofman, Hofmann, Hogg, Hogue, Hohmann, Holland, Hollis, Holmes, Holt, Holtzman, Hopper, Horen, Horn, Hosack, Hosick, Hostetter, Houghtelin, Householder, Howard, Howder, Howe, Huey, Huff, Huffman, Hughes, Hughey, Hugo, Hukill, Hulings, Hulton, Humes, Hunter, Husler, Hussey, Huston, Hutcheson, Hutchinson, Iles, Ingalls, Ingham, Ingram, Inskeep, Irvine, Irwin, Ivory, Jack, Jackel, Jackson, Jacobs, Jageman, James, Jamison, Jarvis, Jaycox, Jeffrey, Jemphrey, Jennings, Jenny, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jordan, Junker, Justus, Kammerer, Kapp, Kappel, Karl, Karns, Kaufmann, Kearney, Kearns, Keating, Keebler, Keil, Kelley, Kelly, Kendall, Kennedy, Kenngott, Kenning, Kenny, Kentzel, Keown, Kern, Kerney, Kerns, Kerr, Kidd, Kiddoo, Kier, Kilbuck, King, Kinkaid, Kinkead, Kinzenbach, Kircher, Kirk, Kirkpatrick, Kirkwood, Krisch, Kiskadden, Kistler, Klauss, Klein, Kleinman, Kletzly, Klingensmith, Klussman, Knepper, Knoderer, Knox, Koch, Koering, Koops, Kramer, Kraus, Krauth, Kremmel, Kroesen, Kuhlman, Kuhn, Kurtz, Lacock, Lamb, Lambing, Lampe, Lane, Lappe, Lapsly, Large, Larimer, Larkin, Lashell, Latham, Laufman, Laughlin, Laurent, Lawson, Lea, Learn, Le Bauda, Lecky, Lee, Leet, Lendrum, Lenkner, Leonard, Leppig, Lesnet, Lesnett, Lewis, Liggett, Lighthill, Linderman, Lindsay, Linhart, Linke, Linton, Lloyd, Lobingier, Lockton, Loeffler, Logan, Lonerbaugh, Long, Loomis, Lorenz, Loucks, Love, Lovedale, Lowen, Loyd, Lucas, Ludden, Ludwick, Ludwig, Luft, Lundmark, Lutes, Lutz, Lynch, Lyon, Lysle, McAdams, McAteer, McBride, McCabe, McCall, McCallen, McCandless, McCartney, McCaslin, McChesney, McClaren, McClarin, McClean, McClelland, McClintock, McClure, McClurg, McCluskey, McComb, McConaughy, McConnell, McConville, McCord, McCormick, McCoy, McCrea, McCreedy, McCullough, McCully, McCune, McCurdy, McCutcheon, McDade, McDermott, McDonald, McDonough, McDowell, McElheny, McElroy, McElwain, McEnulty, McFadden, McFeeters, McFerin, McFetridge, McGee, McGinnis, McGirr, McGlinchey, McGogney, McGreevey, McGregor, McGrew, McGunnegle, McIntosh, McIntire, McIntyre, McJunkin, McKean, McKee, McKelvey, McKelvy, McKenna, McKim, McKinley, McKinney, McKnight, McKown, McLain, McLarn, McLaughlin, McLean, McMahan, McMahon, McMaster, McMichael, McMillan, McMillen, McMinn, McMorran, McMullen, McNair, McNall, McNamee, McNeal, McNeill, McPhilliany, McRoberts, McVicker, McWilliams, Macferron, Mackay, Mackin, Mader, Magee, Magill, Maguire, Mains, Maits, Mallisee, Malsch, Manby, Mangold, Mankedick, Manown, Marlatt, Marshall, Martin, Marvin, Marx, Mason, Mateer, Mates, Mathews, Mathias, Matlack, Maurer, Maxwell, May, Mayer, Meanor, Means, Meek, Meeks, Megown, Mehaffey, Mehring, Meiers, Meinert, Mellon, Mellor, Meloney, Melvin, Mercer, Merriman, Mertz, Merz, Messler, Metcalf, Metzger, Meyer, Meyers, Meyran, Milholland, Millar, Miller, Milligan, Millken, Mills, Mitchell, Moffit, Molony, Montgomery, Montour, Moody, Moore, Moorhead, Morgan, Morris, Morrison, Morrow, Morton, Mourer, Mower, Moyle, Mueller, Mullett, Mullin, Mullooly, Munhall, Murdoch, Murphey, Murphy, Murray, Muse, Musgrave, Myers, Nash, Neel, Neely, Neemes, Negley, Nesbit, Neune, Neupert, Neville, Nevin, Newlin, Newton, Niemann, Nill, Nimick, Nixon, Noble, Norton, Nuttall, Obenauf, O'Bryon, Ochse, O'Connor, O'Donnell, Oeffner, Oesterley, Oesterling, O'Hara, Oliver, Over, O'Keefe, O'Neil, Orr, Osborne, Osburn, Ott, Owens, Pahlmann, Painter, Pangburn, Parker, Parkinson, Partridge, Patrick, Patterson, Patton, Paul, Payne, Pearce, Pearson, Peebles, Peffer, Pence, Penney, Percival, Perkins, Pershing, Peters, Peterson, Petty, Pfieffer, Phelan, Philips, Phillips, Phipps, Pichel, Pierce, Pitcairn, Pitts, Plummer, Poellot, Poff, Pollock, Porter, Portman, Power, Powers, Prager, Preston, Price, Prinz, Pritchard, Provost, Pugh, Purdy, Pyle, Quinette, Quinn, Radzinsky, Raisig, Ralston, Ramage, Ramsay, Rankin, Rath, Rattigan, Raymond, Ream, Redman, Reed, Reel, Reese, Reeves, Reiber, Reich, Reid, Reilly, Reineman, Reinhard, Rend, Reniers, Reno, Reutzel, Reymer, Reynolds, Rhodes, Rice, Richey, Riddle, Riegner, Riethmiller, Rigg, Riggs, Rinard, Rischpeter, Risher, Ritchey, Ritter, Roads, Robb, Robbins, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Robison, Rodenbaugh, Rodgers, Roedel, Roehn, Rogers, Roll, Roller, Ralph, Rolshouse, Romine, Rook, Rose, Ross, Rott, Routh, Rowand, Rowley, Ruettiger, Rumsey, Russell, Ryan, Sadler, Salt, Sample, Sanders, Sandles, Sanford, Sawyer, Scarborough, Scaife, Schafer, Schanzenbach, Scheide, Schenley, Schindeheetle, Schmelz, Schmertz, Schmid, Schmidt, Schmitt, Schneider, Schnorr, Schoeller, Schoeneck, Schooley, Schoyer, Schramm, Schreiner, Schuchman, Schulte, Schultze, Schwab, Schwartz, Schwer, Schwitter, Scott, Scovel, Scully, Seaman, Seddon, Seibert, Seif, Seiling, Seitz, Selleck, Sellers, Semmens, Semple, Senger, Serena, Seville, Sevin, Sewickley, Shaffer, Shale, Shaler, Shane, Shaner, Shanks, Shannon, Sharp, Sharpless, Shaver, Shaw, Shawhan, Shedden, Sheedy, Sheekey, Shelton, Shephard, Sheraden, Sherriff, Shields, Shoemaker, Shouse, Shrader, Shultz, Siebert, Silk, Silvey, Simcox, Simmons, Simon, Simpson, Sinclair, Sinn, Skelley, Skelly, Sloan, Smeaton, Smith, Smolenske, Sneathen, Snitzer, Snively, Snodgrass, Snowden, Soles, Sommers, Sossong, Spahr, Spang, Spangler, Speer, Spence, Spencer, Springer, Sproal, Sproul, Srodes, St. Clair, Staley, Stamm, Standish, Stanton, Starr, Steckel, Steedle, Steel, Steen, Stein, Steinhilber, Stemler, Stephens, Stephenson, Sterrett, Sterritt, Stevener, Stevenson, Stewart, Stifel, Stillerich, Stilley, Stipe, Stockdale, Stocker, Stoll, Stoner, Stonesipher, Storer, Story, Stotler, Stowe, Stratton, Straw, Strohm, Stuart, Stuckslager, Succop, Sullinger, Sullivan, Sutter, Sutton, Swaney, Swartwelder, Swearingen, Sweeney, Swisshelm, Sykes, Sylves, Taggart, Talley, Tate, Taylor, Teegarden, Teemer, Teese, Teeter, Terrell, Thaw, Thom, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Thornburg, Thorne, Tidball, Tilbrook, Tilghman, Tinstman, Titzel, Tomlinson, Torrence, Totton, Towers, Tracy, Trautman, Travelli, Trent, Trich, Trotter, Trunick, Tucker, Turner, Tweedy, Ulery, Unverzagt, Vance, Vandergrift, Van Fossen, Van Kirk, Varner, Verner, Vetter, Vey, Vilsack, Voegtly, Vogeley, Von Stein, Waddle, Wade, Wagener, Wagner, Walker, Wall, Wallace, Walter, Walthour, Wampler, Ward, Wardrop, Warner, Warren, Wasmuth, Waters, Watson, Watt, Watters, Wangaman, Way, Weber, Weddell, Weddle, Weinmah, Weir, Weiskircher, Welfal, Wells, Welser, Werner, Wernke, Wertz, West, Westerman, Wettach, Weylman, White, Whitehead, Whitesell, Whitlatch, Wible, Wick, Wicks, Wiegel, Wiegering, Wigand, Wiggins, Wightman, Wilcox, Wilde, Wilds, Wilhelm, Wilkins, Williams, Williby, Willis, Willock, Willson, Wilson, Wiltshire, Wineland, Winter, Wisman, Witherow, Wittmer, Woener, Wolf, Wolfarth, Wolfe, Wood, Woodburn, Woodford, Woods, Wool, Work, Wortman, Wrenshall, Wycoff, Wylie, Wyse, Yoder, Young, Youngk, Yourd, Yunker, Zacharias, Ziesche, Zinkhan, Zoller, Zollinger, Zumpft, Zwingler
Biographical Review - Pittsburgh and the Vicinity, Pennsylvania
(Biographical Review Publishing Co., 1897, 543 pages)
This publiction presents a collection of personal and family biographical sketches focused on Allegheny County. It sketches the lives of numerous influential and important citizens of the county, sometimes tracing lineage back before the the revolutionary period.
Surnames Indexed:
Allison, Alspach, Alston, Ameisen, Anderson, Archer, Armstrong, Arnholt, Asdale, Ash, Ashworth, Atkinson, Aull, Bailey, Ballintine, Barbour, Barchfeld, Barnes, Barton, Batten, Beach, Benham, Bergstresser, Bingaman, Bippus, Blachly, Blair, Blakeley, Boggs, Bonar, Braun, Brennen, Brickell, Bronson, Brown, Bungey, Bunton, Burgwin, Burke, Burket, Burleigh, Burnett, Butler, Cameron, Campbell, Carhart, Carnegie, Carpenter, Challinor, Chessrown, Christy, Church, Clark, Cole, Connelly, Constans, Cook, Cooper, Coster, Costley, Cowan, Cowley, Criswell, Crombie, Croskey, Crumrine, Cubbage, Cummins, Dabbs, Daub, Davis, De Armit, Dethlefs, Dickson, Disque, Duff, Dunlap, Dunn, Eaton, Ehrenfeld, Elliot, Epping, Evans, Everson, Ewing, Ferguson, Flaig, Flower, Ford, Foster, French, Fullerton, Fulmer, Gable, Galleher, Geltzheiser, Gill, Goodstone, Gordon, Graham, Green, Gregg, Gripp, Groetzinger, Guffey, Haines, Hamilton, Harrison, Haslage, Hawkins, Hayes, Heckel, Hill, Holiday, Holland, Horner, Hosack, Houston, Howe, Howley, Hunt, Hussey, Husted, Jackson, jamison, Jenkins, Johnson, Johnston, Johnstone, Jones, Kearns, Kennedy, Kerr, Killikelly, King, Kinnear, Kirk, Knox, Krebs, Kumler, Lambing, Lange, Lewin, Liggett, Light, Lippincott, Little, Lloyd, Lockhart, Loomis, Lowry, Ludden, Lyne, Lyon, Macbeth, Marquis, Marshall, McAleese, McCandless, McCann, McCargo, McClintock, McCord, McCormick, McCready, McElroy, McGeagh, McGiffin, McKelvy, McKennan, McMorran, Mead, Mellon, Mercer, Meredith, Metcalf, Michel, Miller, Milligan, Mineart, Montgomery, Mooar, Mustin, Neely, Negley, Nevin, Nicholson, Niles, Oakley, O'Brien, Oldshue, Orr, Ostermaier, Peach, Pearce, Pfeifer, Phillips, Pickering, Pitcairn, Pond, Porter, Redick, Reid, Rex, Reymer, Rigg, Riley, Rinehart, Rook, Roseburg, Rossmann, Rowan, Sadler, Samson, Sankey, Schmertz, Schneider, Scott, Scovel, Scull, Semple, Shaw, Sheriff, Shields, Shillito, Silvey, Sipe, Sleppy, Slonaker, Smith, Spangler, Speer, Stanton, Sterrett, Stevens, Stevenson, Stewart, Stillwagen, Stouffer, Stowe, Succop, Swartzwelder, Templeton, Thomas, Thompson, Tonner, Torrance, Trent, Ure, Wade, Wallace, Walter, Ward, Waugh, Weber, Werder, White, Whitesell, Sightman, Williams, Wilson, Winslow, Witherspoon, Woodburn, Woodside, Wright, Wuth, Yardum, Yoder, Yohe, Young, Zug
Memoirs of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, Personal and Genealogical
(Northwestern Historical Association, 1904, 1078 pages)
This publication is an extensive biographical volume on Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. It contains hundreds of biographical sketches of Pittsburgh's and Allegheny County's prominent individuals, and includes in most cases a portrait of the subject. This is a wonderful resource for historical or genealogical research in this area of PA.
Surnames Indexed:
Abbott, Abernathey, Ackerman, Albrecht, Alderson, Allebrand, Allman, Anderson, Armstrong, Arnold, Aston, Bailey, Bair, Baird, Baker, Barker, Barnett, Barr, Battles, Beale, Beck, Bedell, Behen, Beinhauser, Bekavac, Bellingham, Benham, Benner, Berkenbush, Bernhard, Best, Bickerton, Black, Bleichner, Boden, Bohlander, Bollman, Bolster, Boothe, Borgmann, Bost, Botkin, Bowes, Boyd, Bradley, Brady, Brierley, Brinker, Brown, Browne, Buckley, Buente, Bullion, Burgoon, Burkert, Burns, Burroughs, Byrne, Cahen, Cahill, Caldwell, Callery, Calvert, Campbell, Carnahan, Carney, Carter, Chalmers, Chaplin, Clark, Cluley, Cochrane, Cole, Collingwood, Conlin, Connor, Cook, Cooper, Corlett, Coulter, Cox, Craig, Crump, Cunningham, Dabbs, Daggette, Daube, Davidson, Davis, Demmel, Deverts, Dickson, Dierstein, Dilworth, Dodds, Dolan, Dorrington, Dorsey, Downey, Doyle, Dublin, Duff, Duffner, Dunn, Duvall, Eckbreth, Edgar, Edlis, Edwards, Eickemeyer, Elicker, Elphinstone, Englehart, Erskine, Evans, Evert, Ewing, Eynon, Faidley, Fair, Fairfield, Fairman, Fawcett, Fife, Filcer, Fisher, Fite, Flood, Flowers, Ford, Fording, Forrester, Forsyth, Forsythe, Foster, Francies, Frauenheim, Frederick, Fullerton, Gabler, Gailey, Gaub, Gerdts, Geyer, Gilchrist, Glenn, Glojnaric, Goldstrohm, Gosser, Gottfried, Grabe, Graebing, Graham, Granger, Gray, Gregg, Green, Grelle, Grenet, Grierson, Griscom, Groetzinger, Guffey, Guiler, Hamilton, Hanlon, Harkins, Harper, Harvey, Haslett, Hauser, Hays, Heath, Heisel, Henderson, Henry, Hepline, Hering, Hershberger, Hill, Hilldorfer, Hock, Hogg, Holliday, Holozsnyay, Holtzman, Hope, House, Hunter, Imbrie, Irwin, Jastrazembski, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jordan, Kambach, Kane, Kappeler, Kaufman, Keane, Kelly, Kennedy, Keyes, Kimberlin, Kimmey, King, Kintner, Kirkbride, Kirschler, Kistler, Klaus, Klumpp, Knoderer, Kraus, Kuhn, Lambie, Lang, Lantz, Latimore, Latshaw, Lawrence, Lawry, Lawson, Layton, Lea, Leadbeater, Leader, Leslie, Leuscher, Levy, Lewis, Lightenheld, Lighthill, Lindsay, Lindsey, Linsley, Livingston, Lobingier, Locke, Logan, Lohrey, Lowe, Lowry, Lutz, Lynch, MacBroom, MacCloskey, MacMath, Magee, Malarkey, Malone, Manning, Marks, Marshall, Martin, Mattern, Maurer, Maxey, McAlinney, McCabe, McCall, McCandless, McCann, McCarthy, McClarin, McClelland, McClure, McCormick, McCurdy, McDermott, McElhiney, McFail, McGarey, McGeary, McGovern, McGrogan, McGunnegle, McIlvain, McKee, McKelvy, McKenna, McKinley, McLain, McMasters, McNally, McPartland, Mead, Means, Mercer, Merriman, Metcalf, Meyer, Miller, Mitchell, Mohney, Molamphy, Monahan, Montgomery, Moore, Moreland, Morris, Morrow, Morton, Muehlbronner, Mueller, Murphy, Murray, Mustin, Naylor, Negley, Nesbit, Neu, Neville, Newlin, Noble, Ober, Obey, Obushkevich, O'Donnell, O'Leary, Omslaer, Orbin, Orris, Orechowski, Ostermaier, Oyer, Pagan, Painter, Palen, Palmer, Parker, Patterson, Pearson, Pedder, Peebles, Perrine, Perry, Petty, Philips, Phillips, Phillis, Phipps, Pierce, Pirl, Pitcairn, Pitcock, Pitts, Prestley, Prosser, Pruett, Quaill, Queck, Radcliffe, Ralston, Ramage, Randolph, Reed, Reel, Renshaw, Reukauf, Richards, Ridgeway, Riehl, Rinehart, Ritter, Roberts, Robinson, Rodgers, Rook, Ross, Rott, Rowe, Rowley, Ruhlandt, Ruoff, Russell, Sachs, Samson, Sarver, Saupp, Scandrett, Schell, Schellman, Schleich, Schmitt, Schoults, Schreiner, Schroedel, Schroeder, Schulz, Scott, Seibel, Seifried, Shaffer, Shaw, Sheasley, Sherran, Sherrard, Shields, Shoemaker, Shroyer, Siebert, Simon, Sloan, Smail, Smalley, Smith, Snaman, Sneathen, Snee, Soffel, Sparr, Spicer, Staab, Staley, Steel, Steen, Steffy, Stengel, Stevenson, Stewart, Stone, Stork, Stottler, Stouffer, Stowe, St. Peter, Strang, Subasic, Suter, Sutkaitis, Sutter, Szabo, Thein, Theis, Theobald, Thompson, Thomson, Tonnele, Toole, Torrance, Torrence, Trautman, Treacy, Tredway, Tressel, Tschume, Tunstall, Vernon, Vierheller, Voegtly, Vogt, Vokolek, Vondera, Von Moss, Wachter, Waite, Walker, Wallace, Walsh, Walter, Walton, Watson, Weber, Weir, Weis, Weller, Wiggins, Wilcox, Will, Williams, Willock, Wills, Wilson, Winters, Wolfe, Wright, Wylie, Young, Zahniser, Zimmerman, Zinsser, Zoeller
Genealogical and Personal History of the Allegheny Valley
(John W. Jordan, 1913, 1402 pages)
The Foreword of this publication makes known its purpose and contents: "The present work, "Genealogical and Personal History of the Allegheny Valley Pennsylvania," presents in the aggregate an amount and variety of genealogical and personal information and portraiture unequalled by any kindred publication. No similar work concerning Allegheny Valley Families has ever before been presented, and it contains a vast amount of ancestral history never before printed. The object, clearly defined and well digested, is threefold: First. To present in concise form the history of Allegheny Valley Families of the Colonial Days. Second. To preserve a record of its prominent present-day people. Third. To present through personal sketches the relations of its prominent families of all times to the growth, singular prosperity and wide-spread influence of the Allegheny Valley, Pennsylvani and its tributary region."
Surnames Indexed:
Abbott, Acomb, Adams, Aksly, Alden, Allebach, Allein, Allen, Allison, Alt, Altman, Amsler, Andrews, Arird, Armbrust, Arnold, Arter, Arthurs, Artley, Ash, Ashbaugh, Auerhaim, Backus, Bailey, Baker, Ball, Banner, Barber, Barchfield, Barlett, Barnes, Barnhart, Barr, Barry, Bashline, Bayley, Beach, Bean, Beary, Beaty, Beatty, Beck, Beers, Bell, Bellis, Bemis, Bennett, Benninghoff, Bensinger, Berlin, Best, Bigham, Bigler, Beindley, Blair, Bleakley, Bloss, Boardman, Boileau, Bomgardner, Borland, Bostwick, Boulton, Bouton, Bovard, Bowen, Bowersox, Bowman, Bowser, Boyce, Boyd, Boyer, Bradshaw, Brosius, Brown, Brownsell, Brundred, Bryan, Bull, Burns, Byers, Caldwell, Camp, Campbell, Carnahan, Carr, Carrier, Carter, Caruthers, Caswell, Catlin, Chadwick, Chambers, Chapman, Chartley, Chase, Chesney, Chipman, Chittenden, Clapp, Clark, Clarke, Clendenin, Cobham, Coffin, Cogswell, Cole, Colegrove, Collier, Collner, Conner, Conyne, Cooper, Corbett, Corwin, Coulter, Cowan, Coyne, Craig, Crawford, Crispin Criswell, Crosby, Cross, Cumings, Cummings, Cunningham, Curtis, Cyphert, Dale, Dalrymple, Dana, Davis, Day, De Forest, Delo, Delp, Dempsey, Dennis, Dennison, Dickey, Dickinson, Dieffenbacher, Ditty, Ditz, Dix, Dixson, Donahue, Dovenspike, Downes, Downing, Dowrey, Drake, Du Bois, Duffield, Dunham, Dunkle, Dunn, Dunshee, Durfey, Earp, Eastman, Eaton, Eckels, Eddy, Edmonson, Edson, Edwards, Eiseman, Elder, Ely, Emery, Emhuff, Estes, Etzel, Evans, Everson, Fahr, Faller, Farwell, Fasenmyer, Fassett, Fay, Fenstamaker, Ferguson, Ferrier, Fickett, Filler, Fisher, Fitzgerald, Fleming, Folk, Folwell, Forbes, Fowkes, Fowler, Fox, Frame, Frampton, Frank, Frantz, Frazier, Frederick, Freeman, Frill, Fuller, Furman, Gallup, Gardner, Garlick, Gates, Gathers, Gemmill, George, Geyer, Gibson, Gifford, Giles, Gilfillan, Gill, Gillespie, Gillett, Gillis, Gilmore, Ginkle, Gleason, Goal, Goble, Gordon, Gorton, Graham, Grandin, Grant, Gray, Green, Greenland, Greenwood, Gregory, Griggs, Gruninger, Guetthoff, Guffey, Habgood, Hack, Haggerty, Hamblen, Hamlin, Hampton, Hanby, Hancock, Hanna, Harding, Harnish, Harris, Hartman, Haskell, Hastings, Hatfield, Haust, Hawk, Hawkins, Hayes, Hays, Hayward, Hazeltine, Hazen, Heck, Heeter, Hehner, Heinz, Henninger, Henry, Hepburn, Herspool, Hess, Hilliard, Himes, Hinckley, Hindman, Hitchcock, Hoagland, Hodges, Hodil, Hodsdon, Hoeing, Hoffman, Hogarth, Hogsett, Hogue, Holbrook, Holdridge, Holman, Holmes, Holt, Hook, Horton, Hosack, Hosterman, Hough, Houghton, Hovey, Hovis, Howe, Huff, Hufnagel, Hughes, Hukill, Hull, Hultberg, Humes, Humphrey, Hunter, Hurley, Hussey, Huston, Hutchinson, Hyder, Irvine, Jack, Jackson, James, Jamieson, Jayne, Jaynes, Jeannerat, Jenkins, Johnson, Johnston, Jordan, Kahle, Kauffman, Kay, Keck, Keefer, Kellogg, Kidder, Kimmel, King, Kingsley, Kinnear, Kline, Klingensmith, Klingler, Knap, Knappenberger, Kneeland, Knight, Koos, Kratzer, Kreiner, Kribbs, Krotzer, Kuhns, Ladd, Lain, Lamberton, Lambing, Lane, Larimer, Lauer, Laughlin, Lawson, Lay, Lea, Leader, Leasure, Lee, Leonard, Le Roy, Levine, Lewis, Lillibridge, Lincoln, Lindsley, Linnon, Locke, Logan, Long, Loomis, Love, Lower, Lucart, Lucas, Lucke, Lutton, Lutz, Lynan, MacDonald, McBride, McCabe, McCalmont, McClelland, McClintock, McClune, McClung, McClure, McCoy, McCrea, McCullough, McCurdy, McDowell, McElhaney, McElhattan, McElroy, McEntire, McEntire, McEwen, McFarland, McIntyre, McKee, McKelvey, McKinly, McKinley, McKinney, McLaughlin, McVay, Mackey, Magee, Magill, Males, Mallery, Mallory, Mark, Marsh, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Mays, Mead, Meals, Melvin, Merchant, Merkle, Meyers, Middleton, Miller, Mitchell, Mohney, Mong, Montgomery, Moore, Morck, Morris, Morrison, Mortimer, Mott, Moyer, Mullins, Munn, Murphy, Musser, Myers, Nash, Needle, Neely, Nelson, Nevin, Newcomb, Newell, Neyhart, Nichols, Niederriter, Norris, O'Dell, O'Donnell, Olds, Oliphant, Oliver, Olney, Orr, Osborne, Osmer, Ostrander, Over, Painter, Parker, Parkin, Parks, Parshall, Patterson, Patton, Pelton, Perrine, Pettit, Philips, Phillips, Phipps, Pickens, Pickett, Pinney, Platt, Plumer, Pohl, Pollock, Port, Porter, Porterfield, Potter, Potts, Powell, Power, Pratt, Prentice, Prescott, Preston, Pritner, Prosser, Pryer, Purviance, Putnam, Putney, Ramage, Rankin, Rapp, Rea, Reade, Redfield, Reed, Reid, Reineman, Reisinger, Reyner, Rial, Rice, Richardson, Richmond, Rickards, Riddell, Riddle, Rider, Ridgway, Rimer, Ritz, Robbins, Robinson, Rockwell, Rodgers, Rogers, Ross, Rowland, Rugh, Rush, Russel, Russell, Rust, Rutherford, Ryan, Sample, Sanborn, Sansom, Sayers, Schermerhorn, Schettler, Schimmelfeng, Scofield, Scott, Seaward, Seigworth, Seldon, Selker, Sellers, Servey, Shafer, Shaffer, Sharp, Shattuck, Shawkey, Sherman, Shick, Shields, Shiirey, Shirley, Shontz, Shortt, Shoup, Shriever, Shuey, Sibley, Siegel, Siggins, Simpson, Siverling, Skelton, Slattery, Slaughenhoupt, Sloan, Smiley, Smith, Smitheman, Smullin, Snyder, Soper, Specht, Spindler, Squires, Stahlamn, Stanton, Stauffer, Steele, Stephenson, Stevenson, Stewart, Stillman, Strattan, Stroutman, Smart, Stull, Sullivan, Summers, Summerville, Suter, Sutton, Swank, Swanson, Taft, Taylor, Terrill, Texter, Thayer, Thomas, Thompson, Thorpe, Tillinghast, Todd, Tomlinson, Trask, Tritsch, Troutman, Truby, Turner, Tuttle, Ulman, Van Dyke, Van Every, Van Orsdale, Vogle, Wagner, Waite, Walker, Walter, Waters, Watson, Weaver, Webster, Weeter, Weiser, Weld, Wells, West, Westgate, Wheelock, Whitaker, White, Whitehill, Whitmer, Wick, Wikoff, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Willson, Windsor, Winger, Winslow, Wise, Witherup, Wood, Woodburn, Wray, Wright, Wynkoop, Wynn, Yingling, Yost, Young, Younie
Genealogical and Personal History of Western Pennsylvania
(John W. Jordan, 1915, 1996 pages)
The Foreword of this publication makes known its purpose and contents: "The present work, "Genealogical and Personal History of Western Pennsylvania," presents in the aggregate an amount and variety of genealogical and personal information and portraiture unequalled by any kindred publication. No similar work concerning Western Pennsylvania has ever before been presented, and it contains a vast amount of ancestral history never before printed. The object, clearly defined and well digested, is to present in concise form the history of Western Pennsylvania Families of the Colonial Days. There are numerous volunimus histories of the State, making it unnecessary in this work to even outline its annals. What has been published, however, relates principally to civic life. The amplification necessary to complete the picture, old and nowaday, is what is supplied by these Genealogical and Personal Memoirs. In other words, while others have written of "the times," the province of this work is as a chronicle of the people who have made this magnificent region what it is." This is an extensive biographical publication which covers western Pennsylvania, including the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny City, and the counties of Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Clarion, Fayette, Indiana, Mercer, Somerset, Venango, Washington, Westmoreland. Included with the biographical information are hundreds of portraits of this areas leading men and women.
Surnames Indexed:
Acheson, Ackerman, Adams, Agnew, Ague, Ahlborn, Albert, Aldrich, Allen, Allison, Alter, Amrhein, Anderson, Andrews, Armstrong, Arters, Ash, Augustin, Bailie, Baird, Baker, Balcom, Baldridge, Ball, Balles, Barnett, Bauer, Baugher, Bauman, Baumgartel, Bayard, Beall, Beatty, Bebout, Beck, Becker, Beckert, Bedell, Beet, Beissinger, Benson, Benzenhoefer, Beran, Bergman, Beringer, Berner, Berryman, Bertsch, Best, Bestwick, Bethune, Bick, Bickerton, Biddlestone, Bigham, Birchard, Black, Blair, Blick, Blind, Blockinger, Blose, Bokermann, Bole, Bolard, Bossert, Bourke, Bowser, Boyce, Boyd, Boyle, Brackenridge, Bradwell, Brandon, Brandt, Braun, Breading, Breckenridge, Breining, Breitenbaugh, Brennan, Brethauer, Brewer, Briggs, Brodmerkel, Brooker, Brooks, Brown, Bruckner, Bubb, Buckley, Bulger, Bullion, bullions, Burchard, Burgunder, Burkhard, Burkman, Burleigh, Burton, Butler, Byers, Byrne, Cadwallader, Cairns, Caldwell, Calhoun, Calvin, Campbell, Carnegie, Carr, Carson, Casey, Caughey, Cavanaugh, Caven, Cease, Chalot, Challis, Chamberlain, Chantler, Chaplin, Chase, Chess, Christy, Church, Clark, Clary, Clever, Cochran, Cole, Collins, Colter, Colteryahn, Conn, Connelly, Cook, Cooper, Coover, Cope, Corbett, Corey, Cornelius, Cornett, Cort, Cotton, Coursin, Cowan, Cox, Craig, Craighead, Cratty, Crawford, Creese, Crick, Cricks, Croft, Crokks, Crosbie, Crosby, Crumrine, Culbertson, Cummings, Cunningham, Curry, Danner, Darby, Daubenspeck, Daugherty, David, Davidson, Davies, Davis, Day, De Bolt, Dell, De Long, Dennis, Denny, Densmore, Denton, Der, Dickson, Diehl, Dillon, Dippold, Donal
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