A Tour of Ten Important Anabaptist and Reformed Sites in Rural Switzerland, Vol. 2
Ten sites are identified to prepare you to visit: Zollikon farmhouse where the first Anabaptists were baptized; Hirzel, the home of the Landis, Bauman, and Brubaker families; Tauferhole (Anabaptist Cave); Schallenberg Pass and Schinegg (Wenger family); Wurzbrunnen Kirche; Tauferversteck; Kapelle Kehr Altevangelische Taufgesinnten-Gemeinde and Dursruti; Trachselwald Castle and prison; Hans Haslibacher Hof; Thun Castle; Rablock Cave near Joders Hubel; and more. (192pp. illus. index. Masthof Press, 2006.)
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