Mennonite Family History April 1985
This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]: Aaron Mast [Mast]; Early Mennonite Families in the Alverton West Overton Scottdale Area [Stoner, Overholt, Louck]; Immigrant Christian Heidlauf [Heidlauf]; Immigrant Joseph Nafziger from France to Ontario to Iowa to Kansas [Nafziger]; Mennonites of Neumark, Prussia, in 1805 [Buller, Voth]; Obituaries They'll Be the Death of Me; The Buscherts of Germany [Buschert, Boschart]; The Conspiracy on Shelly's Island [Shelly]; The End What Now?; The Gerrit Hendricks Line of Montgomery Co., Pennsylvania [Hendricks]; The Rudolph Detweiler Schwartz/Detweiler Family Bible [Detweiler, Schwartz]; The Schultz Family of Klockow, Pomerania [Schultz, Kunckel, Mallett]; Wade Bible Record [Wade]; What Can Computers Do?.
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