Cumberland County PA - County History & Biography Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.
The History and Topography of Dauphin, Cumberland, Franklin, Bedford, Adams, Perry,
Somerset, Cambria, and Indiana Counties (I. Daniel Rupp, 1848, 658 pages)
This is a very early history of several Pennsylvania counties, including Cumberland County. The information covers pages 346 - 448 and discusses the organization of the county, a description of its geography, agriculture and industry. One section is devoted to the history and development of Carlisle, and a subsequent section covers the smaller towns and boroughs of the county.
Centennial Biography Men of Mark of Cumberland Valley, Pa., 1776-1876
(Alfred Nevin, 1876, 478 pages)
From the Preface:
"No district of our broad, beautiful, and blessed country has furninshed more representative men - men distinguished for their ability, integrity and influence - than Cumberland Valley."
This publication was one of the first to attempt to chronicle the lives of the prominent individuals of the Cumberland Valley. The first 50 pages contain a brief history of the valley, followed by 400 pages containing biographies of leading men and families.
Surnames Indexed:
Agnew, Allen, Allison, Armstrong, Audenreid, Boggs, Brownson, Buchanan, Cathcart, Craighead, Crain, Crawford, Chambers, Creigh, Culbertson, Davidson, Denny, Duffield, Duncan, Dunlop, Elliott, Findlay, Finley, Fisher, Foster, Fullerton, Gibson, Graham, Grier, Gustine, Hamilton, Harbaugh, Herron, Johnston, Junkin, Kaufman, Kennedy, King, Knox, Krebs, Laird, Lane, Linn, McCarrell, McClelland, McClure, McConaughy, McCoskry, McCulloh, McCullough, McElroy, McGill, McGinley, McKibbin, McKinley, McKnight, McLanahan, McPherson, Moodey, Moore, Nevin, Nisbet, Penrose, Pomeroy, Rankin, Rauch, Reed, Richards, Ritner, Sanderson, Schneck, Scott, Senseny, Stewart, Sharp, Smith, Snodgrass, Snowden, Speer, Steel, Stevens, Thompson, Thomson, Watts, Weir, Wilkins, Williams, Wilson, Williamson, Wing, Whitehill, Woods, Young
History of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania
(Rev. Conway P. Wing & James D. Scott, 1879, 308 pages)
This publication covers the early settlement, organization and development of the county, also the various wars experienced by the county's residents. It includes a number of biographies on the county's legal and medical professionals, as well as some other prominient ones from the communities of Cumberland County, although a few of the medical biographical accounts are limited in extent. There is no index for this publication, however each of the biographical accounts are bookmarked for easy searching.
Adair, Ahl, Alexander, Armstrong, Atwater, Barr, Baughman, Bellman, Betz, Biddle, Bitner, Black, Blaine, Bonham, Bowie, Boyd, Brady, Brandt, Breckenridge, Brehm, Brooks, Bruckart, Carothers, Chambers, Clark, Claudy, Cooke, Cooper, Coover, Craighead, Crain, Creigh, Criswell, Day, Drawbaugh, Duncan, Ealy, Eberly, Ege, Elliott, Fahnestock, Findley, Foster, Foulk, Foulke, Gaullagher, Geddes, Gibson, Givin, Gorgas, Greer, Grove, Gustine, Hamiliton, Hanna, Hannon, Hartley, Hays, Heck, Hemminger, Henry, Herman, Herring, Hertzler, Hoffer, Irvin, Johnson, Junkin, Kanaga, Kauffman, Kaufman, Kennedy, Kieffer, Lemer, Long, Magaw, Maglaughlin, Mahon, Mateer, McCall, McCommon, McCoskry, McFeely, McGofrick, McInnis, McKinny, McNally, Messenger, Miller, Moody, Moore, Mosser, Mumper, Musgrave, Myers, Oliver, Paxton, Penrose, Ralston, Ramsey, Rankin, Reed, Reynolds, Riddle, Rippey, Robinson, Rupp, Rutger, Sawyer, Schroeder, Scouller, Sharp, Shippen, Shriver, Sibbet, Simpson, Sloanaker, Smith, Snowden, Steel, Steigleman, Stevenson, Stewart, Thompson, Trimmer, Van Camp, Van Hoff, Walker, Watts, Weaver, Williamson, Witmer, Yeates, Young, Zollinger
History of Cumberland and Adams Counties, Pennsylvania
(Warner, Beers & Co., 1886, 1155 pages)
This is a historical and biographical work covering Cumberland and Adams Counties, Pennsylvania. Part 1 contains a discussion of the early history of Pennsylvania, outlining the involvement of various individuals in its settlement and growth. Part 2 contains a history of Cumberland County, its beginning and growth, a history of each of the townships and major boroughs, and concludes with biographies of prominent individuals arranged by township. Part 3 covers Adams County, and is structured the same as Part 2. Also included are numerous illustrations of those covered in the biography sections. This publication contains no index, but each of the chapters and biographies are bookmarked for quick searching.
This is a particularly good reference for genealogical research. Cumberland County is one of the earliest Pennsylvania counties formed and its history is therefore extensive. Adams County was formed later but its history also extends to the early formation of the country. This is also a good reference for Adams County, as it is one of two major biographical works published, whereas many other counties (including Cumberland) were the focus of numerous publications.
Cumberland County Surnames:
Ahl, Allen, Altick, Ames, Anthony, Ayres, Babb, Babble, Baker, Balsley, Bamford, Barber, Barner, Barnes, Barnitz, Barrick, Bashore, Baughman, Bear, Beattie, Beidler, Beltzhoover, Bender, Bentz, Berkheimer, Best, Biddle, Biggs, Bishop, Blair, Bloser, Bobb, Bosler, Bowman, Bradley, Brandt, Bratton, Brechbill, Brehm, Bretz, Bricker, Brindle, Brinkerhoff, Bruckhart, Bucher, Burgner, Burkhart, Bushman, Carl, Carothers, Chestnut, Christlieb, Chronsiter, Clark, Clendenin, Clepper, Clever, Cockman, Coffey, Coover, Corman, Cornman, Coyle, Craig, Crawford, Cressler, Crist, Croft, Croman, Dale, Davidson, Davis, Deardorff, Deitz, Dietz, Derland, Dewalt, Dixon, Doner, Dornbach, Drawbaugh, Duncan, Dunlap, Earley, Eberly, Eckels, Elcock, Emminger, Eminger, Erb, Erford, Ernst, Eshelman, Evans, Eyster, Feeman, Fenstermacher, Fickel, Fishburn, Foreman, Forry, Fosnot, Fulmer, Fulton, Galbraith, Gardner, Garrett, Garver, Gettel, Getter, Gibble, Gibson, Gillespie, Givin, Gladfelter, Glessner, Goodhart, Goodyear, Gorgas, Graham, Greason, Greider, Grove, Guswiler, Hailman, Hance, Hargleroad, Harmon, Haskill, Hauck, Haverstick, Hays, Heagy, Heberlig, Heck, Hefflefinger, Henderson, Hensel, Herman, Herr, Hertzler, Hess, Heyd, Highlands, Hoerner, Holler, Hollinger, Hoover, Horst, Houston, Hull, Hummel, Humrich, Hursh, Hurst, Huston, Hutton, Irvine, Jacobs, James, Kast, Kauffman, Keiser, Keller, Kendig, Kerr, Kieffer, Killian, Kimmel, King, Klepper, Knoderer, Koller, Koons, Koser, Kost, Landis, Lantz, Leas, Leberknight, Leeper, Lefever, Lehman, Leib, Leidich, Leidigh, Lenher, Lindsay, Lindsey, Line, Lininger, Lloyd, Logan, Long, Longenecker, Longnecker, Longsdorf, Loudon, Lutz, Mains, Manning, Mansfield, Martin, Marshall, Masonheimer, Mauk, May, McAllester, McCachran, McCarrell, McClure, McCrea, McCulloch, McCullough, McCune, McElwain, McGaw, McKeehan, Megaw, Meixel, Meloy, Mentzer, Merkel, Messinger, Mickey, Middleton, Milleisen, Miller, Minnich, Mitchell, Mohler, Moltz, Montgomery, Moore, Morret, Morrison, Mosser, Mountz, Mowery, Mullin, Mumma, Mumper, Murray, Musselman, Musser, Myers, Niesley, Noffsinger, Norcross, North, O'Hara, O'Neale, Orris, Ott, Otto, Palm, Patton, Paul, Paxton, Peffer, Penrose, Phillips, Piper, Plank, Ployer, Porter, Pratt, Pressel, Ralston, Randall, Rea, Reigart, Reigel, Reighter, Reily, Reinhardt, Rice, Ringrose, Ringwalt, Ritner, Ritter, Rudy, Rupley, Rupp, Russell, Sadler, Saxton, Schell, Scherich, Schmohl, Schroeder, Seidle, Senseman, Shaeffer, Shambaugh, Shapley, Sharp, Sharpe, Shaw, Sheely, Shelley, Shoemaker, Shoop, Short, Shreiner, Shuman, Shumberger, Sibbet, Simmons, Singiser, Sipe, Smead, Smith, Snyder, Sollenberger, Souder, Sours, Spong, Sponsler, Stauffer, Staver, Steiner, Stewart, Stricker, Strickler, Strock, Strohm, Stuart, Swartz, Swigert, Swiler, Tanger, Taylor, Thomas, Thompson, Titzel, Totton, Tritt, Trone, Turner, Umberger, Underwood, Van Camp, Vance, Voglesong, Waggoner, Wagner, Wagoner, Wallace, Walters, Watts, Weakley, Wentz, Wertz, Westhafer, Wetzel, Wherry, Wilbar, Wilder, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Wilt, Wing, Witherspoon, Witman, Witmer, Wolf, Wonderlich, Woods, Woodward, Worley, Worst, Wylie, Young, Zearing, Zeigler, Zimmerman, Zinn, Zug
Adams County Surnames:
Alleman, Arnold, Asper, Bachman, Basehoar, Baugher, Baumgardner, Bayly, Beales, Beamer, Beard, Bell, Benner, Bigham, Bikle, Bishop, Bittinger, Blackwelder, Blocher, Blythe, Bollinger, Bonner, Bosserman, Bream, Breidenbaugh, Brinkerhoff, Bucher, Buehler, Burkholder, Bushman, Byers, Cashman, Cassat, Cobean, Cole, Colehouse, Collins, Coshun, Coulson, Croll, Crouse, Cunningham, Deardorff, Dechert, Demarest, Detrick, Dicks, Dickson, Diehl, Dill, Diller, Dull, Duncan, Durboraw, Duttera, Eaholtz, Ehrehart, Elden, Elliott, Emmert, Everhart, Eyler, Felty, Fink, Forhan, Forney, Forrest, Forry, Frey, Gardner, Garretson, Geiselman, Gelbach, Gettier, Gilbert, Giettier, Gilliland, Gitt, Goldsborough, Griest, Grove, Group, Hamilton, Hankey, Harner, Harnish, Hartman, Hartzel, Hay, Heiges, Heltzel, Hendrix, Hersh, Hesson, Hickey, Hill, Himes, Hoffman, Hoke, Holtz, Holtzworth, Horner, Howard, Hulick, Jameson, Johns, Kauffman, Kelly, Kemp, Kendig, Kendlehart, Kerr, Kieffer, Kimple, King, Kittinger, Kitzmiller, Klein, Koser, Krauth, Krise, Krug, Kuhn, Lansinger, Laydom, Leas, Lecrone, Leece, LeFevre, Lilly, Longsdorf, Lott, Lower, Lynn, Majors, Mark, Marshall, Martin, McClean, McClellan, McConaughy, McCullough, McCurdy, McGaughy, McIlhenny, McKnight, McPherson, McSherry, Meals, Meckley, Mehring, Meisenhelder, Melhorn, Mickley, Miller, Minter, Moorhead, Morrow, Mumma, Mumper, Musselman, Myers, Neely, Noel, OBold, Ocker, O'Neal, Orner, Pearson, Pensyl, Peters, Pfoutz, Picking, Plank, Pohlman, Poist, Rebert, Reed, Rether, Rice, Riley, Riittase, Roth, Rudisill, Ruff, Rummel, Runkel, Russell, Sandrock, Sangree, Schick, Schlosser, Schmucker, Schriver, Schwartz, Scott, Scoyoc, Seiss, Sell, Sheads, Sheeley, Sheely, Sherfy, Shively, Shorb, Shull, Slaughenhaupt, Slaybaugh, Slifer, Slinghoff, Smith, Sneeringer, Snyder, Spalding, Spangler, Stahle, Stallsmith, Stauffer, Stavely, Stem, Stewart, Stock, Stoner, Stonesifer, Storrick, Stultz, Swartz, Sweitzer, Swope, Taughinbaugh, Tawney, Thomas, Tipton, Trimmer, Trostel, Trostle, Tyson, Valentine, Walhey, Walter, Waltman, Warren, Watson, Weaner, Weaver, Weigle, Weikert, Welty, Wertz, White, Wible, Wickersham, Wierman, Wildesin, Wills, Wilson, Witherow, Witmor, Witmore, Wolf, Wolff, Wolford, Wortz, Wright, Yingling, Young, Yount, Ziegler
Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of the Nineteenth Congressional
District Pennsylvania (Samuel T. Wiley, 1897, 550 pages)
This publication is a historical and biographical volume on the 19th Congressional District of Pennsylvania, comprising the counties of Cumberland, York and Adams. It begins with a brief history and description of the area and its features. Following this are biographies of the prominent citizens of Cumberland, York and Adams counties. Many of the biographical sketches are accompanied by portraits of the sketch subjects.
Biographical Sketches:
Ahl, Alleman, Allewalt, Bahn, Baird, Baker, Barshinger, Beck, Bellman, Benner, Biddle, Billheimer, Birch, Bittenger, Bittinger, Black, Blasser, Boas, Bollinger, Bond, Bosler, Bowman, Boyd, Brame, Brenneman, Bressler, Brickley, Brindle, Brown, Bucher, Buehler, Bushman, Callender, Carl, Cassatt, Chapin, Cochran, Conrad, Culp, Dale, Daron, DeHoff, Delone, Dick, Dietz, Diven, Dougherty, Dromgold, Durbin, Durkey, Ebert, Eckert, Eichelberger, Ehrehart, Ehrhart, Elcock, Elliott, Farquhar, Fastnacht, Fegley, Fisher, Flora, Floyd, Forney, Franklin, Freas, Frey, Frick, Frysinger, Gable, Gardner, Gerry, Gibson, Gilbert, Glessner, Goodyear, Gotwalt, Graham, Gross, Grossbrenner, Grove, Hagerty, Haines, Hamilton, Hartley, Hay, Hays, Heiges, Heilman, Heller, Hemler, Hemminger, Hench, Henderson, Herman, Hersh, Himes, Hoober, Hoover, Houck, Hubley, Humrich, Jameson, Jones, Kerr, Keyworth, Klinger, Krise, Lafean, Lanius, Latimer, Lenhart, Lewis, Lilly, Lindner, Lloyd, Long, Loucks, Manifold, Mayer, McClean, McCoy, McElroy, McGuire, McIlhenny, McKinnon, McKnight, McPherson, McSherry, Meisenhelder, Milleisen, Miller, Minnich, Mohler, Moore, Mowers, Moyer, Murray, Musselman, Myers, Neeley, Neely, Neiman, Nes, Niles, Nisbet, Nixon, Norcross, O'Neil, Passmore, Patrick, Peffer, Peters, Pitcher, Plank, Quay, Quinby, Reed, Rees, Reese, Robbins, Ross, Ritchey, Rupp, Sadler, Safford, Schall, Schlueter, Seiffert, Sell, Sheely, Shindel, Shulenberger, Slagle, Small, Smead, Smith, Smyser, Snyder, Sonneman, Spangler, Stahle, Steacy, Steck, Stevens, Stewart, Stock, Stuck, Strawbridge, Strine, Stubbs, Swope, Tanger, Taylor, Thompson, Todd, Trimmer, Underwood, Vandersloot, Vale, Valentine, Van Cleve, Wagner, Walker, Wanner, Wasbers, Watts, Weakley, Weaver, Webb, Weber, Weiser, Wetzel, Whiting, Williams, Wood, Wormley, Yeagley, Young, Ziegler
Cumberland County Sesquicentennial 1751-1901
(Linder Shoe Company, 1901, 55 pages)
This is a pictorial and historic souvenir of the 150th anniversary of Cumberland County, PA. It gives a brief history of the county and its development through the years. It also provides numerous photographs from the celebration, including citizens, homes, churches, views of the celebration events, etc. There are also numerous ads for local businesses throughout.
Biographical Annals of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania
(The Genealogical Publishing Co., 1905, 910 pages)
This is the most extensive solely biographical volume published for Cumberland County, PA. It details the lives of hundreds of the county's influential residents and prominent families. This is an excellent resource for historical or genealogical research in Cumberland County.
Surnames Indexed:
Abrahims, Addams Albright, Alexander, Alter, Atticks, Aughinbaugh, Babble, Bacastow, Baer, Baker, Barhour, Barley, Barner, Barnitz, Barton, Basehore, Bashore, Batchelor, Baughman, Bauman, Bear, Beattie, Beetem, Behney, Beitzel, Bentz, Best, Biddle, Bishop, Blair, Book, Borst, Bosler, Bowen, Bowers, Bowman, Boyer, Bradley, Brandon, Brandt, Bream, Brechbill, Brenneman, Bressler, Bretz, Bricker, Brindel, Brinton, Brown, Brownawell, Brubacher, Brubaker, Bucher, Burgett, Burgner, Campbell, Carbaugh, Chamberlin, Clendenin, Clepper, Clever, Clippinger, Coburn, Coffey, Cole, Commings, Cooper, Coover, Cope, Corman, Coulson, Cox, Coyle, Dale, Darr, Davidson, Day, Deitch, Denny, Derick, Derland, Derr, Dick, Dietz, Diller, Ditlow, Donnelly, Dougherty, Drager, Drawbaugh, Dunbar, Duncan, Dunkleberger, Dunlap, Eberly, Eckels, Ege, Eichelberger, Elliott, Elm, Embick, Eminger, Enck, Eppley, Erford, Eshleman, Eslinger, Etter, Evans, Ewalt, Ewing, Eyster, Fair, Fegley, Felty, Ferguson, Fink, Fireston, Fishburn, Fisher, Fitting, Fleming, Fletcher, Fogelsanger, Freed, Frey, Gamber, Gardner, Garland, Garman, Garver, Gates, Gebhard, Gebhart, Gettel, Geyer, Gibb, Gill, Givler, Glatfelter, Gleim, Good, Goodhart, Gorgas, Gottshall, Gottwerth, Gould, Graham, Greason, Green, Greenwood, Greybill, Grimm, Grissinger, Gutshall, Hagerty, Halbert, Haldeman, Hambleton, Hamilton, Hanlin, Harman, Harpst, Harris, Hartman, Hartz, Hauck, Hays, Heberlig, Heberling, Hecker, Heffelman, Hefflefinger, Heiser, Helfrich, Heller, Hemminger, Hemphill, Henderson, Hendricks, Henry, Herman, Hertzler, Heyd, Highlands, Hildebrandt, Hilton, Himes, Hippensteel, Hipple, Hoffer, Hoon, Hoover, Horner, Hosfeld, Hosler, Hostetter, Houser, Houston, Hoy, Hughes, Hummel, Humrich, Hurst, Huston, Ilgenfritz, Irwin, Jackson, Jacobs, Jacoby, Jamison, Johnston, Jones, Kapp, Kaufman, Keiser, Kelley, Kelly, Kendig, Kenyon, Ker, Kissinger, Kitch, Kitzmiller, Kleffman, Kline, Klinedinst, Kling, Klink, Klugh, Knaub, Knisley, Koller, Koons, Koser, Kost, Krause, Kruger, Kunkel, Kunkle, Kuntz, Kutz, Lamberton, Landis, Lantz, Lawton, Lay, Lee, Le Fevre, Lehman, Lenhart, Liggett, Lindsay, Lindsey, Line, Lininger, Lloyd, Long, Longsdorf, Loudon, McCaleb, McCarrell, McClelland, McCommon, McCrea, McCreary, McCulloch, McDowell, McElhare, McGary, McGaw, McGuire, McKeehan, Manning, Markley, Marquette, Martin, Maust, Means, Mechling, Meck, Mentzer, Mickey, Mifflin, Miller, Minium, Mitten, Mohler, Monn, Monosmith, Montgomery, Morrison, Mountz, Mowers, Mullin, Mumma, Mumper, Murray, Murtoff, Musselman, Musser, Myers, Nailor, Naylor, Neely, Nell, Nesbit, Nevin, Newcomer, Noble, Noftsker, Norcross, Ocker, Officer, Ogilby, O'Neal, Orris, Parker, Paulding, Peebles, Peffer, Penrose, Peters, Pilcher, Pittenger, Plank, Plough, Ployer, Pope, Porter, Powell, Pratt, Preston, Prince, Quigley, Radabaugh, Ralston, Raudabaugh, Rea, Reddig, Redding, Reed, Reese, Resser, Reiff, Reighter, Rice, Rich, Richwine, Ridge, Riley, Rinesmith, Rippey, Robbins, Rohland, Rolar, Roney, Roush, Rudolph, Rummel, Rupert, Rupp, Russell, Ruth, Rutz, Sadler, Sample, Saxton, Schoch, Schuchman, Schwarz, Searight, Seidle, Seiler, Seitz, Senseman, Shambaugh, Shapley, Sharp, Sharpe, Shaull, Sheafer, Shelly, Shenk, Sheriff, Shetron, Shettel, Shulenberger, Shumberger, Simmons, Singer, Sipe, Skinner, Smaling, Snavely, Snyder, Sollenberger, Sours, Spahr, Spangler, Speck, Spera, Sprenkel, Stammel, Stauffer, Steele, Steese, Stephens, Sterrett, Stewart, Stone, Stonesifer, Strickler, Strock, Strohm, Stuart, Swarner, Swartz, Swiler, Taylor, Thomas, Thomman, Thompson, Totton, Trickett, Tritt, Underwood, Vandersaal, Van Scyoc, Wade, Wagner, Walker, Walters, Ward, Watts, Weakley, Weary, Weast, Weaver, Webb, Weber, Weidman, Weigle, Wertz, Wetzel, Wherly, Whiting, Wilks, Wilt, Wise, Witmer, Witter, Wonderly, Woodburn, Wylie, Yeingst, Yobe, Yoter, Young, Zeamer, Zearing, Zeigler, Zell, Ziegler, Zimmerman, Zinn
History of the Cumberland Valley Pennsylvania
(Harriet Wylie Stewart, 1918, 160 pages)
This publication was written as a brief history of the Cumberland Valley to be used in schools. It's chapters are: 1) Topography and Early Settlers, 2) Indian History, 3) Roads, Turnpikes and Forts, 4) Early Industries, 5) The Revolutionary Period, 6) Early Towns, 7) Early Schools, 8) Civil War Period, 9) Noted Biographies, and 10) Progress Since Civil War.
Patrick (Captain) Jack, Captain Samuel Brady, Mollie Pitcher, Col. Henry Bouquet, Robert Hunter, James Wilson, Captain Cook, Jane & Elizabeth Irvin, James Buchanan, King Shingas, Captain Jacobs, Jack Armstrong, John Armstrong, Thaddeus Stevens, Joseph Ritner, and William Findlay.
A History of the Cumberland Valley in Pennsylvania
(Dr. George P. Donehoo, 1930, 1079 pages)
This publication is a more recent historical and biographical work covering the counties of Franklin and Cumberland, PA, originally published in two volumes. Volume One covers the history of the Cumberland Valley. It includes a list of the Blunston Licenses, legal warrants of the earliest settlers to the area. It also relates the troubles that these early settlers had with the Indians, and the final growth and development of the area. Volume Two contains numerous biographies of prominent individuals and families who helped the Valley grow and prosper. This publication was publised without and index, however each biography is bookmarked for easy searching.
Agnew, Albert, Alleman, Allen, Allison, Amberson, Ames, Angle, Appenzeller, Arbegast, Asper, Baer, Bair, Bambrick, Barnett, Basehore, Bashore, Baumgarder, Beard, Beaver, Bedfor, Beistle, Benedict, Berger, Berry, Besore, Biddle, Bingham, Bishop, Bitner, Blair, Book, Bosler, Bowers, Bowman, Bradley, Brandt, Branthaver, Brechbill, Brenize, Brennaman, Brereton, Brewer, Bridgers, Brown, Buchanan, Burgner, Burk, Bryon, Cantner, Carl, Carothers, Chalfant, Chritzman, Clark, Clayton, Corbett, Cornman, Cowell, Craig, Craighead, Crider, Criswell, Croft, Cromleigh, Culbertson, Cump, Curran, Currens, Daub, Daugherty, Davison, Derbyshire, Detrich, Dickey, Diehl, Dietz, Diffenderfer, Donaldson, Dotter, Dougherty, Douglas, Drumm, Duffield, Earley, Eby, Edwards, Elden, Ellliott, Embick, Enniss, Ervin, Eschenmann, Eshelman, Etter, Eyler, Failor, Fallon, Faust, Fegley, Fendrick, Ferguson, Filler, Finafrock, Fishel, Fisher, Fitz, Fleming, Fletcher, Foltz, Forthman, Frantz, Frick, Funk, Galbraith, Gardner, Garland, Garrett, Gearhart, Gehring, Geiser, Gelbach, Gelwix, Gilbert, Gillan, Glass, Good, Goodyear, Gordon, Graham, Gray, Greenawalt, Gring, Grissinger, Groome, Grove, Gury, Hafer, Hammond, Happle, Hartman, Hartzell, Hassler, Hauck, Hays, Heefner, Hege, Heiges, Henninger, Henry, Hepfer, Hershey, Hershner, Hess, High, Hinkel, Hoch, Hockman, Hoffmaster, Hoke, Hollar, Hoover, Hoy, Huber, Hunt, Hutton, Irvine, Jackson, Jacobs, Johnston, Kauffman, Keefer, Kegerris, Keller, Kelley, Kennedy, Ker, Kercheval, King, Kinter, Kirkpatrick, Kitzmiller, Knode, Koller, Koons, Kruger, Kugler, Kuhn, Kulp, Lackey, Lamb, Landis, Latshaw, Leech, Lehman, Lehner, Lesher, Lindsay, Lloyd, Long, Lowman, Ludwig, Lyon, Maclay, Magill, Markel, Martin, Masland, May, McAllen, McClure, McCrea, McCullough, McDowell, McFarland, McKeehan, McKenzie, McKown, McLaughlin, Mehaffey, Mentzer, Metz, Meyers, Mickey, Miller, Minehart, Minnich, Moomy, Moore, Morrison, Mower, Mowrey, Moyer, Mumma, Myers, Nailor, Naugle, Neely, Neff, Nickel, Nicklas, Nicodemus, Nixon, Noel, Noftsker, Ogle, Oller, Omwake, O'Neal, Orris, Ott, Palmer, Parsell, Peffer, Peters, Phillips, Plank, Pomeroy, Poole, Potter, Preston, Prince, Ramsay, Rankin, Reddig, Reed, Reese, Reitzel, Remsberg, Renfrew, Ressler, Reynolds, Rider, Rife, Rinehart, Ritchey, Robertson, Rohrer, Rose, Rotz, Rowe, Rowland, Rudy, Rupley, Ryer, Schaff, Schaal, Schultz, Searight, Seaton, Seidle, Sellers, Senseny, Shank, Sharpe, Shearer, Shelley, Shortess, Shepler, Shoemaker, Shyrock, Shull, Slaughenhaup, Smathers, Smith, Snelbaker, Snively, Sollenberger, Spahr, Spangler, Speer, Spessard, Sponseller, Staley, Steck, Steiger, Steiner, Stephens, Stewart, Stoner, Stouffer, Stover, Strickler, Strite, Strock, Stuart, Stull, Sutliff, Swan, Swartz, Swartzwelder, Sweger, Swope, Teel, Thompson, Thrush, Todd, Trainer, Trimble, Underwood, Unger, Vanderau, Walter, Warner, Welty, Wheeler, Whetstone, White, Whitmore, Wilson, Wineman, Wingert, Wishard, Witherspoon, Wolff, Wolf, Wolfinger, Wood, Wright, Wylie, Zarger, Ziegler, Zimmerman, Zook
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